Interactive live visuals to accompany Geistha's live performance at @digitalanalog_ev made in collab with @jack_cousto

Installation interpreting parts of @manuelnieberle and @ferdinand.domes album RUNNERS VOL 2.
His interest in attaining new skills is something that he uses to quickly familiarize himself when working on new projects. Never really one for being trend-oriented, his work tries to focus on core ideas and a high design quality.

(Marble Sculpture - 2019)

(Glass Sculpture - 2019)

In August 2019 @rohstoffrecords released their third album. In celebration of Rebirth & Fertility [RR01], Transcend [RR02] and Porcelana [RR03] three digital artworks were created. Each artwork is performing a visual interpretation of one song of each release. All artworks are actual teletext streamed on a Sony Trinitron television.