Impression from “BATTLE OF REALITY”
(CGI film Made in collaboration with wavesovspace)

(3rd episode of the series “THE LIFE GAME”)

Recent projects include “The Game Life'' trilogy, an interactive film series made in collaboration with obso1337 and wavesovspace (referenced in the previous pictures).“Feel My Metaverse: Behind this Screen I am on the Real Earth” at Transmediale HKW, Berlin (2020), a gamified performance taking cues from the CGI film “Feel my Metaverse” developed with long term collaborator George Jasper Stone; “Metaverse: We are at the end of something” an immersive, thirty five minute 5-channel film installation Made in collaboration with Ryan Vautier, Sakeema Crook, Sarah Blome, Khidja and Rob Malone and “Augmented Empathy: What body would you like to occupy today?”an augmented reality (AR) installation exploring the future of augmented bodies and avatars.

Impression from “FEEL MY METAVERSE” 2019 Frankfurter Kunstverein, GERMANY
(Installation by Keiken, George Jasper Stone, Sakeema Crook, Linda Rocco, Charlotte Oppenheim)

Impression from “WE ARE AT THE END OF SOMETHING” 2020 Mira.Mov Barcelona, SPAIN
(Installation by Keiken, Ryan Vautier, Sakeema Crook)
Picture by Carol Xarlene

Impression from “AUGMENTED EMPATHY” 2021 Photographic Art Museum Tokyo, JAPAN
(Originally commissioned by FACT Liverpool)
Picture by INOUE Sayuki and ARAI Takaaki